
Rahua products, renowned for their pure ingredients and exceptional performance, owe their existence to a remarkable series of events. It all began when Fabian Lliguin, a highly regarded hairstylist and colorist in New York City, found himself in the Amazon rainforest as part of his role as an environmentalist, advocating for the land and human rights of indigenous communities.

During his time in the rainforest, Fabian encountered women with breathtakingly long and radiant hair that flowed past their waists. These women disclosed to him the secret of their enviable locks – rahua oil. For generations, the tribe residing deep within the rainforest had relied on this oil to nourish their hair and skin. Impressed by their testimonies, the women gifted Fabian a bottle of this precious oil, which he carefully transported back to New York in his suitcase.

In his Fifth Avenue salon, Fabian decided to experiment with the oil, not expecting anything remarkable to occur. He used it as a treatment for a client with severely dry and damaged hair. To his astonishment, within just 10 minutes, the client’s hair underwent a complete transformation – from brittle and lifeless to healthy, glossy, and voluminous. Fabian was amazed by the tangible results. It became evident that this centuries-old ingredient possessed undeniable efficacy.

Recognizing the significance of what he had discovered, Fabian became determined to handle it with the utmost respect. Rahua oil had always been produced by the Quechua-Shuar tribe in a complex, ritualistic, and sustainable manner, passed down through generations. Fabian, who had long championed the cause of the rainforest’s indigenous people, was unwavering in his commitment to preserving their traditions. He did not want to disrupt this intricate process.

In 2008, Anna Ayers, Fabian’s wife and business partner, entered the picture. Combining her expertise as a fashion designer and New York-based trend forecaster with Fabian’s skills as a hairstylist and colorist, they embarked on a mission to create a purposeful beauty experience for consumers worldwide. Together, they launched the Rahua brand, drawing upon the wisdom of the legendary people to develop an exceptional range of innovative, plant-based products that promote healing, nourishment, beauty, and transformation.

Today, Fabian and Anna collaborate with more than 500 families from the Quechua-Shuar, Achuar, and neighboring tribes to cultivate the rainforest-grown ingredients used in Rahua’s hair care and body care collections. It is a testament to their dedication to sustainability, environmental preservation, and providing opportunities for indigenous communities.

Please note that Rahua has one fragrance in our encyclopedia. The trademarks and logos mentioned in this content are the rightful property of the respective companies and manufacturers. They are used solely for the purpose of identifying products and companies.

  • Main Activity: Hair styling

Designer of:

Palo Santo Oil Perfume Rahua

The Palo Santo Oil Perfume created by Rahua is a versatile fragrance that appeals to both women and men.

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