Nicole Richie, the adoptive daughter of renowned American singer Lionel Richie, rose to fame through her role as a reality TV star on the show “The Simple Life” alongside Paris Hilton. In November 2007, Richie and her husband Joel Madden established “The Richie Madden Children’s Foundation”. Since 2008, she has delved into the realm of accessory and fashion design, solidifying her status as a creative force in the industry. Currently, she is one of three esteemed mentors on the NBC show “Fashion Star”. In September 2012, Richie introduced her inaugural fragrance named Nicole. Collaborating with Steve DeMercado of Fragrance Resources and TPR Holdings Company LLC, she crafted a scent that embodies her unique style and essence. Nicole Richie has successfully ventured into the fragrance market, becoming a noteworthy brand with two distinct perfumes in its collection. The earliest edition was unveiled in 2012, while the latest addition hails from 2014. The talented perfumer Steve DeMercado lent his expertise to the development of these fragrances.