
JIJIDE, meaning “active” in Chinese, represents a vibrant and lively approach to life. Rooted in a captivating dialogue between Eastern and Western influences, Jijide is a distinguished brand that specializes in producing exceptional fragrances in Italy.

At Jijide, colors serve as our language, empowering us with endless inspiration for crafting each of our unique creations. We pride ourselves in developing fragrances that cater to diverse personalities, ensuring a perfect match for every individual.

Environmental consciousness is at the core of our design process. We carefully consider the impact of our products on the environment by thoughtfully selecting raw materials, refining our working methods, and dedicating extensive study and research to creative solutions for their reuse.

Jijide’s renowned designer has curated a collection of ten exquisite perfumes in our fragrance base. As a new and innovative brand, our first edition was introduced in 2021, and we continue to innovate with our latest release in 2023.

Collaborating with esteemed perfumers Maurizio Cerizza, Nour Akoum, and Zimo Luo, Jijide harmoniously merges their expertise with our vision to create fragrances that captivate the senses and leave a lasting impression.

  • Main Activity: Fragrances

Designer of:

Grano Jijide

Grano by Jijide is an exquisite fragrance designed to captivate both women and men alike. Crafted with utmost care and attention to detail, this fragrance represents the epitome of contemporary…

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Energia Di Giada – JIN U 金玉 Jijide

Energia Di Giada – JIN U 金玉, created by Jijide, is an exquisite fragrance designed to captivate both men and women. This magnificent scent made its debut in 2021, showcasing…

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Scrigno Celeste – ZE BAI 紫柏 Jijide

Scrigno Celeste – ZE BAI 紫柏, created by Jijide, is a captivating fragrance that caters to both women and men. It was unveiled to the world in 2021, showcasing its…

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Riso Jijide

Riso by Jijide is an exquisite fragrance designed for both women and men. This captivating scent represents a new addition to the fragrance world, introduced in 2023. The creative genius…

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Fuori Sentiero – YU LEN 幽兰 Jijide

Fuori Sentiero – YU LEN 幽兰, created by Jijide, is an exquisite floral fragrance that caters to both women and men. This enchanting scent was introduced to the market in…

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Rosso Vivo – HUAN YI 欢意 Jijide

Rosso Vivo – HUAN YI 欢意, created by Jijide, is an exquisite fragrance designed for both women and men. Its debut took place in 2021 under the expert guidance of…

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Brezza Fiorita – CIN FAN 清⻛ Jijide

Brezza Fiorita – CIN FAN 清⻛, created by Jijide, is a captivating fragrance designed for both women and men. It made its debut in 2021 under the expert guidance of…

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